凡参加世界艺术家排行榜获【每日一星及前12名】 【周冠军及前12名】 【月冠军及前12名】 【总冠军及前30名】的艺术家。均可参加世界文联摄制组【人物专访】栏目接受央视记者面对面采访。
Artists who have won [1 star of the day and top 12], [weekly champion and top 12], [monthly champion and top 12], [total champion and top 30] in the world artist list. All of them can participate in the special interview program of the World Federation of literary and cultural circles and accept face-to-face interviews with CCTV reporters.
联系人;乐 华 乐 伟 乐 明 乐 辰
Contact person: Le Hua Le Wei Le Ming Le Chen
Tel: 15910755206, 18610766399
World Federation of literary and art elite website; www.sslg33.com
All the full members of the world artists list are listed in the who of the World Federation of literary and art circles, published and widely promoted all over the world.